Reasons why we lose touch as we get older

Lately I’ve been thinking about the friendships I’ve had in my life and the ones I still cherish today. I can’t help but think that getting older inevitably means that we will start losing friends. Below are a few reasons I think this happens.

We’re busy

I know it’s a poor excuse but it’s the truth. Whether you’re finishing a degree, starting a new one, changing jobs or starting families; we’re all ridiculously busier than we used to be. We spend more time texting our colleagues and significant others than we do our friends. We move location and can’t hang out easily. We need to take a minute out of our busy schedules and appreciate our friends.

It’s a two way street

We start to tell ourselves this when we begin to feel bad for not reaching out to someone. We try to mask our own guilt by shifting the blame. “Well she hasn’t texted me either” at the end of the day, if you want to stay in touch with someone, does it matter who picks up the phone first? Have we digressed to playing games with friendships like we do with relationships? At the same time, should we be drawing a line? If I reach out to you 95% of the time, does that mean I should take the hint? It’s a fine line to straddle, but more often than not, you can have that conversation with your friend instead of having to make that decision on your own.

Our interests change

We don’t go to the same school, or the office anymore. We don’t have he same group of friends or problems anymore. It seems as though we don’t talk as much because maybe we don’t. Maybe your only common ground is that you went to school together and the only thing you can talk about is the people you went to school with and the largest drama involving them that you’ve seen on Facebook or something. We have to measure whether or not our friendships can survive once we stop seeing each other everyday.

We fundamentally disagree

So you think her boyfriend is a deadbeat? You don’t think the job she has is good for her health? We’re going to disagree in friendships, that is inevitable in any relationship, but if the disagreement leads to judgement, or fear, or shut downs, the friendship may not stand the storm. Respect other people’s opinions and decide what is truly important to you in your friendship.

We stop checking in

In romantic relationships, checking in should be a norm. “How are we doing? What do you need more of? How can we make this week better?” So why are friendships any different? When was the last time you asked “how am I doing as a friend? Was the advice I gave you actually helpful?” If your friend isn’t being the type of friend that you need in your life anymore, eventually you’re going to drift apart. So why are we so scared to ask those questions? Like I mentioned, we have fewer chances to see each other and less in common than we once did, so we’re probably going to have to adjust if we want me maintain that friendship.

Getting older means lots and lots of changes, but your friendships don’t have to change. Sometimes, it’s okay to let a friendship go and sometimes you just need to put in more effort. Just make sure you’re being the type of friend you’d want to have.

Arda xx

10 “Vintage” shows you need to re-watch right now

Everyone’s always caught up in the newest dramas or sit-coms meaning we easily forget about the old school classics. I like to watch these following series just after I’ve binge watched 8 seasons of something current I’ve found on Netflix. They are all pretty easy going to watch and can actually be really funny. So forget your Black Mirror or Stranger Things and get stuck into these beauties.

My Wife and Kids

my wife and kids

I used to absolutely love this show when I was growing up. Laughed through out every episode whilst teaching you the importance of having family values.


Freaks and Geeks


Who doesn’t love a young Seth Rogan and James Franco? You know this show is great because Judd Apatow has worked on it!


Full House

full house

This show is full of catchphrases and family humour. There are a few episodes that get to you when you dive in but they always make sure they end with a laugh. Its about a widowed father looking after his kids with his best friends.


Sabrina the Teenage Witch


Lets face it, she made us all wish we had magic powers!


Will and Grace

will and grace

I cannot wait for this show to come back! Such iconic characters and hilarious storylines.


That 70’s Show


I will never get bored of watching this show! You get to see baby Mila and Ashton get together! Even though the last few seasons are a bit below par the start of it is fantastic.


Sex and the City

**File Photos**

Carrie Bradshaw is the reason I write. I absolutely love this series and the films even if people think the films were terrible. There are so many life lessons you can learn if you watch this.


Malcolm in the Middle


Yet another family based show with some dark humour thrown in. I only realised this when I watched it all last year, something I never got when I was younger.


Saved by the Bell

Saved by the Bell

We all wanted to go to school with these guys and hang out with them after school! A great 90’s classic.




Im sorry but if you haven’t seen Seinfeld then you need to now or you need to get out of my life. It’s genius and its not just another show with a group of friends and love triangles. There’s just so much more to it plus its hilariously written. Yes some of Jerry’s acting is questionable but that’s what makes him him.


Arda xx

Best places to eat in London (and take cute photos)

As you may all know I am all about that diet life but there are times that I think YOLO and just go out for a meal. Of course when I do decide to eat out I make sure its instagramable! Most of you would have probably heard me speaking about these places or seen photos or been lucky enough to come to them with me but for those who have no idea below is a list of places that I think are the best to go to in London.

The Swan

I went here with the accounts team when I worked at Mathys so I have no idea if its affordable or not. It took a while for the food to arrive but it was so worth the wait. Its right next to the Globe so you have a great view of the river as you eat.

I recommend: Herbed New Potatoes


Coppa Club

A few times a year Coppa Club either have igloos or cabanas built on their terrace facing the fiver and I always make sure I go. The food is affordable and yummy and it makes for a cute instagram photo be it if your in an igloo with fur throws or a cabana covered in lavender.

I recommend: Coppa Club Hot Pizza


Soft Serve Society

The best ice-cream in town! Its in boxpark so its tiny but its amazing. the staff are lovely and let you try all the strange flavours before you buy.

I recommend: Charcoal Soft Serve with Candyfloss


Meat Mission


Now, this is my all time favourite place! Its hidden away on the back streets of Hoxton Square and its very dark inside but my gosh the food is delicious. You share a table with strangers and eat off a tray but that’s what makes it great.

I recommend: Dirty Chicken Cheese Burger


German Gymnasium

Don’t worry, its not a gym. Its actually a really nice restaurant by Kings Cross. I would suggest siting outside with the heaters on and watching people play on the swing and reunite outside the station.

I recommend: GG Burger


We Are Bar


Okay this place is actually a bar but they also serve really nice to die for food and you can order it and sit on the terrace with heating  avoiding all the people that are drinking.

I recommend: Hellumi Fries


The Happenstance

This is where I had me welcome meal with Venner Shipley and its a Drake & Morgan franchise. The whole atmosphere of the place is beautiful and the service is great.

I recommend: Buttermilk Chicken Burger


The Ivy City Garden

This place is so aesthetically pleasing that you’ll spend most of your time taking photos. They have a huge range of food on their menu and its actually pretty affordable. I would suggest booking as its pretty busy.

I recommend: Fish & Chips


The Bach

If you’re into the whole Acai bowl healthy eating life this is the place for you. The interior of this place is like a little beach house with fake grass if you wish to sit outside.

I recommend: House Made Gluten Free Granola

Arda xx

Things we all had in our rooms growing up

The title pretty much says it all. I cant think of one friend that didn’t have this stuff in their room when we were kids.

– A lava lamp that would take forever to get going

– Now That’s What I Call Music CD from Woolworths ( RIP )

– Glow in the dark stars

– Stuffed toys. Everywhere

– Posters torn out from magazines

– Some sort of sign on your door with your name on so no one else could come in

– TV with built in VCR or DVD player

– China dolls. Creepy China dolls

– A Gameboy

– Jacqueline Wilson books

– An Argos catalogue with all your wish list items circled

– Groovy Chick bedsheets

– Address book filled with numbers and addresses of everyone in your class

– A random wallpaper boarder in the middle of the wall featuring dolphins

– A dresser covered in stickers


What did you have in your room?


Arda xx

Rules everyone should live by

Hi all,

Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I know that this post isn’t as uplifting or as funny as my previous ones but it needed to be said. I know too many people that let life drag them down and this post is for them. Leave all the stress of 2017 in 2017. Below are some rules we should all follow to try to keep ourselves out of a negative state. And by all means please if you have a friend that’s feeling down or just gotten out of a relationship feel free to send them this!

Don’t shut down. You have to feel pain because once you turn it off, you can’t get it back. And then you’re left breaking your bones, drowning in vodka, choking on pills, swallowing cigarettes, sleeping with boys who rip your heart out of your chest and slam it against the wall and then smile at you like you’re the prettiest thing in the room. It turns out that feeling nothing feels worse than anything else.

Cut him out of your life. It doesn’t matter how many times he called you beautiful and told you he loved you. I know he was a sweet guy but he’s not the same person anymore. He hurt you. He doesn’t deserve to occupy a thought in your head let alone drown you in your own tears. I know you loved him. Maybe you always will. But if you want to stay alive, you’ve got to let him go. Delete your old texts with him because I swear you will read over all the “I love yous” and “baby girls” and you will crack your ribs with them.

It’s okay to cry. It’s okay slide down a wall in tears at three in the morning aching and screaming. If you want to sit on your bedroom floor with your head buried in your knees, tears spilling out of your eyes and filling the room up to your waist, do it. It doesn’t make you weak. You could never be weak. You’re alive and that’s the hardest thing to be.

Don’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with. When you’re at a party and you’re sitting next to a boy whos words are dripping with cheap alcohol and he’s grabbing your thigh and spitting liquor down your neck in sloppy kisses, push him off you. You don’t owe him anything. You’re not being mean or hurting his feelings. If you’re not okay, leave.

Save yourself first. I know you’re in love with a pretty boy who writes you poetry. I know he falls asleep crying. But so do you. I know he’s your world. I know you’re in love. But you can’t be up at four in the morning talking him out of bad thoughts when you’ve got work or school the next day. You can’t stop him from ripping his heart out when you’re still trying to figure out how to get yours beating again. You can’t save him. You’ve just got to love him with all you’ve got. You have to love yourself too.

Terminate toxic relationships. It doesn’t make you a bad person. You need to be self-preserving for once in your life. When your best friend kisses the boy you would die for, stop sleeping on her floor when she calls you crying because she got her heart broken by a boy whos name she couldn’t remember. When your boyfriend comments on how much you’ve been eating and make you feel guilty for feeling the world, delete his number. You don’t need people dragging you down. You don’t need anybody poising you.

It gets better. I know right now you’re feeling terrible. You’re on the edge and you’re waiting for the fall. But there’s nothing good at the bottom, just a lot of broken bones and blood and sore throats. But one day you’re going to wake up smiling. You’re going to fall in love and your heart will stay whole. You’re going to travel and swim in the ocean and you’re not going to pray that you drown. You’re going to go for a drive in the middle of the night and feel free instead of hoping you crash. You’re going to be alright.

Arda xx

10 Ways to unwind

Life can be stressful at times especially when its cold and dark outside. As much as I love winter I think that it really does bring everybody’s mood down. Below are my favourite ways to cheer myself up and to unwind after a stressful winters day at work.

Vinyl’s. I love listening to vinyl’s, be it old albums or fairly new ones. I would highly recommend Ben Howard.

Candles. Not so much tea lights but those big nice smelling ones. You know, The ones that come in a jar or something.

Walk. I find that going for a walk with no destination in mind really helps me relax and stop stressing.

Tea. Get yourself a giant mug and fill it with your favourite herbal tea. Mine is Snooze from Teapigs.

Meditation. Find yourself 10 minutes in your day to sit down and meditate. Getting out of your head honestly helps so much.

Facemask. If you know me then you know that I love a good facemask. They make your skin feel so refreshed and gets rid off all your toxins.

Bath. I find that having a nice hot bath with some bath salts makes me feel better after a long day. Try adding some dried lavender and bubbles to make it really therapeutic.

Poetry. Reading a full on book can sometimes be too much when you just want to unwind so I much prefer poetry.

Blankets. Pop a blanket in the dryer and then take it out and cuddle up to it when its nice and hot.

Swings. Take a trip to your local park, put in your earphones and swing. As high as you can go.


Arda xx

Things to do Between Christmas and New Years

I know its a first world problem but unless you have to go to work there is pretty much nothing to do to keep yourself entertained between Christmas and New Years. So below are a few ideas of some ways you can keep yourself occupied for the next few days.

– Make a giant cup of hot chocolate topped with everything! Whipped Cream, marshmallows, flake… all the calories you can think of. Don’t forget to take a photo of it and upload it to your Instagram either!

– Do a Puzzle. a nice 1000 piece beauty, its the best way to waste time.

-Start a new series. You don’t need to worry about how late its gotten or how many episodes you’ve watched in a day because you literally have nothing else to do. Plus you get the satisfaction of watching something start to end without forgetting parts of the storyline.

-Go to Ikea. Redesign your home in your head and leave with just some candles and glasses.

-Do a few exercises in your living room that you found on YouTube. Don’t wait till January.

-Cinema and Nandos. Lets face it, you need to get out the house but you still want to feel relaxed and like you’re chilling at home.

-Have a clear out of your room and make space for all your new Christmas presents.

-Watch ALL the Harry Potter films back to back because everyone needs to do this at least once I their life.


Arda xx

10 Instagram accounts you need to follow

As you may have noticed I’m a huge fan of Instagram. However as I don’t follow many people other than my friends I would say that my top 10 accounts are actually really good accounts! Take a look and you’ll see what I mean, all are so aesthetically pleasing.


I have followed Aggie for years now and she provides the best travel inspo and thanks to her I have discovered more than a few great accounts!


Another great traveller and she’s super nice. Always happy to help and replied to all her messages.


I found Mel through Lisa and she’s honestly so funny and carefree. Her mum is in a few of her stories and she is equally hilarious.


I found Rachel through Noelle who is listed below and instantly became obsessed. She’s so cute and funny and to top it all off she has great style.


One of the only two celebrities I follow, Shay has a great feed full of travel and fashion inspo.


The best personal trainer! She uploads tips and videos of how to and how not to do specific exercises. Plus her stories are hilarious.


I absolutely love Mel. I’ve known her for years and decades now and her feed is always so aesthetically pleasing and on trend. You can also always find a discount for all your favourite stores under her photos.


I met Antonia in her store and she is so lovely and it’s great that she posts photos of her home with the stuff she sells in the store so if there’s something I like I can just pop into her shop.


The nicest travel blogger I’ve ever spoken to! Always there to help me decide where to go next and what photo to post. She’s so interactive with her followers.


Noelle. She is just life goals. I am in love with her apartment and style and just how body positive she is.

Best feelings in the world

Hi All,

As you all probably know it was my birthday yesterday and its just a few days till Christmas so its pretty much the happiest time of year. Everyone’s eating and drinking and getting fat and sharing gifts. Its great. So below are some things that I believe are the best feelings ion the word.

-Sleeping in late

-Hugs that last more than a minute

-Making someone laugh

-Waking up on your birthday

-Making new friends

-Laughing uncontrollably

-Knowing its Friday

-Being so happy you cant even explain it

-Holding hands for the first time

-Long walks

-Seeing your friends after a long time

-Being loved

-Being in love

-Finding money on the floor

-Fresh clean bed sheets

-Hearing old favourite songs

-Stepping into the shower

-Watching the rain indoors


Arda xx


10 Pranks that got out of hand

Okay so, as some of you might know I’m terrible at pulling pranks. They’re either so subtle that no one notices or I go a bit over the top. It also doesn’t help that I’m the least sneaky person you’ll ever meet. Below are some examples of times I pulled a prank and it quickly got out of hand, some are not as bad as others.

Wet Paint. It was just before exhibition time at uni so all the corridor walls were bare and ready for pupils to hang work up and I decided it would be funny to put wet paint signs everywhere. People actually thought the walls were wet and it took a few days for someone to touch them to realise everyone could have hung their work up days ago.

Catch That Thief. This was in Germany when my cousin was waiting at some traffic lights to pick us up from the station so we had to run. My friend was holing a camera really tightly not to drop it as we ran so I saw and opportunity and took it and yelled “Help! Catch that thief! they stole my camera!” at which point my friend panicked and started to run faster as the whole crowd or Germans looked concerned.

Out of Order. I found some out of order signs on the prints in the photography building at uni and decided to put them on a few toilets. Little did I know that these would cause a huge mess as apparently if the toilets weren’t working it meant there was no water so the dark rooms could not be in use so the whole photography centre had to be shut down.

Silent Treatment. We were annoyed with out teacher so a few of us decided to give the silent treatment to him and somehow the whole class got involved and it turned out to be the day he had his baby in.

RIP. Telling a friends mum that they got shot in the street on holiday and I was going to leave as they were weighing me down and then not having signal for the next 3 hours to see her panicked response.

Princess. In first year we started telling people that out flatmate was a princess and our roommate was hired to help and protect her but this lie got to the point where it had to continue for a year till we finally came clean.

Loose Knit. One day my colleague and I saw a bunch or guys in jumpers waiting to get into our building and I said “they look like a boyband…” at which point we decided top tell our other colleagues that a band called Loose Knit were downstairs and if they hadn’t heard of them then that was crazy because they’ve been around for years and were as big as 1D. This went on for probably over a year when we’d occasionally bring them up again and talk about their current chart hits and previous albums. We thought it was hilarious as people were getting annoyed because they couldn’t find any of their songs online.

Security Alarm. I stuck a security alarm onto my colleagues coat as I thought it would be funny for it to go off as she left work and we’d have to search her but little did I know that I actually accidentally stuck it onto my own coat.

Glitter Gate. I tried to scare a friend once by hiding behind a door with a hand full of glitter ready to throw into their face but they actually scared me and I dropped the whole tub onto the carpet. It took weeks to clean.

Extra Essay. We told our most gullible friend that on top of the two essays we had due we also needed to write a third for the following Monday. She then posted into our courses group and everyone started to panic and half the course wrote an extra essay.


Arda xx