Reasons why you should give up on your New Years resolutions

I think we can all agree that January is the worst month of the year. Especially the first two weeks. It’s cold, there’s nothing to look forward to, commuting is terrible, people are trying to eat healthy so no one wants to do anything fun and the gym is full of people that are trying fitness routines only to fail in three weeks. O don’t understand why just because its a new year people think its time to start fresh. You can start fresh on any given day.


If you set a date of January 1st to start working towards a goal you’re already screwed.

If you really wanted to achieve this goal you would have started working towards it before January 1st, people who really want things go for them right away. They don’t say “Meh, I’ll keep spiralling out of control till January 1st”. New year, same you. People don’t change. When you really want something you’ll try to achieve it as soon as possible.


If you think making a resolution is going to make 2018 great you’re lying to yourself.

A year is a full 365 days, there’s no chance that you’re going to have a good year with no obstacles if you accomplish your New Years resolutions. Every year is a rollercoaster full of ups and downs that you just cant control and just have to ride it out. Its okay to take rest days from working out, its okay to have cheat days and its okay to cancel plans. if you tell yourself you have to be this new you who’s so put together in 2018 and don’t give yourself breaks you’re going to crash ands burn and go back to your old ways in a few weeks.


If you post about your resolutions you going to make people feel bad and dislike you.

Like, its really great you’re going to be vegan for a month but I’m sat here eating my fried chicken and I don’t need you shoving pictures of your super grain bowl and cauliflower steak in my face, making me feel bad for my poor food decision.


If you have multiple resolutions, they probably all contradict each other.

If you say you’re going to save money and say you’re going to go to more fitness classes then that’s impossible. Fitness classes are expensive so you cant save money and attend them at the same time.


Life can get in the way of your resolutions.

It happens. What if you’re resolution is to save money and an unexpected bill arrives? what if you have a fitness resolution and you hurt your back? That’s you gone for a few months. You’ll be more disappointed in yourself for not being able to stick to your resolution even though there’s nothing you can do about it.


If you give up something you and your friends like to do then they’re not going to want to hang out.

Say you give up drinking, you’re not going to want to go out every weekend and if you do then you might not have as much fun being surrounded by your drunk friends. Your friends will start to realise this and not invite you places because they know you wont be enjoying yourself.


You probably wont be happy until you stop trying to change and accept yourself.

Life is about accepting the changes around you, not changing the person you are.


Arda xx





New Year. Same You.

Happy new year and welcome to another addition of Ardas rants. This is going to be the most hypocritical post ever as one of my resolutions this year was to get back into blogging. Lets see how long this lasts. I give it about two months.

Every December I hear people talking about ‘New Year New Me!’ and discussing with others their resolutions for January and how bad they’ve been recently with dealing with life. So below I will list a few resolutions I have heard others make and give you my opinion on them.

Gym Life. You know those people that haven’t been to the gym since last February and say that they will start again in January. These are the people that will sign up to a monthly direct debit gym, go for two weeks, but still keep the membership running till about April when they realise no matter how many times they say “I’ll go tomorrow” they just wont.

Veg Out. These are you new healthy eaters. Through out December they will literally stuff everything that is edible into their mouths and straight after their meal they will decide “Yep, cant wait to start eating healthy in January”. This healthy eating usually last till they get their first whiff of Chinese food and persuade themselves that Chinese food has some veg in it ergo it must be healthy. Its a downward spiral from there.

Dry January. For all my low key alcoholics out there; I feel ya. It starts off okay because you’re actually sick of drinking and being hungover then someone suggests going out after work and dry January turns into dry gin. you lasted 10 days or so. #stillcounts.

Me, Myself and I…Till you see a cutie smile at you on the train and spend the night obsessing over this unknown person that you’ve fallen in love with who you will probably never see again.

Every Little Counts. When you decided to start actually saving money because you’re so skint from Christmas but this all goes out the window when you come across your favourite store that has a massive January sale going on. You convince yourself that you didn’t receive enough presents over Christmas and they you NEED to treat yourself. You NEED all the items under £5 in the sale and you don’t care that it all adds up to a price you cant afford right now.

Positive Vibes. This usually works up until your first day back at work about 2pm just after lunch when you realise you’ve already broken major resolutions buy having a stir-fry for lunch with a side of dry gin at the pub.

Stop Smoking. I really don’t need to elaborate on this. We all know this one never lasts.


Arda x