10 Guilty pleasures

Okay. Let’s start with I’m sorry. I know I missed my Saturday post but my weekend was so busy! Now that the poor apology is over please enjoy my list of guilty pleasures and let me know yours!

Kardashians. I follow all of them on social media and own some of their beauty products. I even have Kim’s selfie book which is displayed on a shelf in my room.

Cold chicken balls. I least order extra chicken balls whenever I have Chinese but I like to leave them to get cold and I eat them the following morning.

Ru Paul’s drag race. I love the show like most people but o can go hours just by watching their lip sync battles and skits on YouTube. I even have their albums and listen to them on my way to work.

Cheese bites. I’ve been on and off diets for a while now and when I’m off my favourite things to snack on are cheese bites from McDonald’s.

Mamma Mia. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen this film. I know it’s terrible but I love it and can’t stop myself from singing along.

Stationary. I’m just so happy around stationary. I love buying a new notebook or pen and just looking at it for weeks without actually using it.

Netflix. I am more than happy to cancel plans and stay in bed all day and find a food series to watch and finish the same evening.

Jenna Marbles. She posts new videos weekly and after every post I watch I go back and watch her older stuff for the next hour.

Knitting. I find it so therapeutic and we all know that I’m actually 73 years old so o don’t need to explain myself.

Dog clothes. I love dressing my little ones up. They’ve gotten so used to it that if I take off a jumper they will try to put it back on.

Arda xx

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